当我们长期在电脑面前坐太久后,会产生一系列健康风险,包括干眼症,颈椎,腰椎,肌肉僵硬等等。解决方案是在一定的时间间隔内我们需要have a break, 远眺可以缓解干眼症等眼部症状,站起来走动两步,或者做一些舒展动作,可以让我们身体肌肉放松。Microsoft Store的一些第三方免费定时提醒程序,如BreakTimer, 常常难以在约定的时间内唤起。其他一些有着类似功能且有更丰富特性的第三方程序需要注册缴费才能使用很多功能。这触发了我自己写一个程序来实现该功能。
因为Python的功能强大,且开发程序的门槛低,所以我选择它,我电脑安装的版本是3.10. 第一步,开发一个可以显示在底部工具栏右边隐藏托盘的图标,当我们有鼠标放上去时,可以显示当前离下一次休息还剩下的时间,以分钟和秒计。点击鼠标右键时,可以弹出菜单显示当前剩余时间和退出按钮。
要实现以上功能,需要安装第三方库 pystray 和 pillow。代码如下:
import threading from pystray import Icon, MenuItem, Menu from PIL import Image, ImageDraw def create_image(): # Load an existing image for the tray icon icon_path = r"C:\technical learning\Python\take-break-icon.png" # Path to your image file (e.g., .png or .ico) return Image.open(icon_path) def stop_program(icon, item): # Stop the video playback and exit the program global keep_run icon.stop() keep_run=False def start_tray_icon(icon): # Create the system tray icon with a menu icon.run() myicon = Icon("VideoPlayer", create_image()) # Start the tray icon in a separate thread tray_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_tray_icon, args=[myicon],daemon=True) tray_thread.start() def update_tray_menu(icon): # Update the menu with the remaining time global time_left #the tray menu has three items, time left, set timer, and stop menu = Menu( MenuItem(f"Time left: {time_left[0]} minutes {time_left[1]} seconds", lambda icon,item:None), MenuItem('Set Timer', set_timer), # Add the new menu option here MenuItem('Stop', action=stop_program) ) icon.menu = menu #the title will show when you mouse over the icon icon.title = f"{time_left}"
首先通过已有的图片创建一个Icon object,并创建一个线程来运行该object。因为要实时显示剩余时间,所以有一个update函数来对Menu内容进行更新。
第二步,实现每隔预设的时间, 启动VLC播放器,播放一段指定的视频。同时计时器重新开始倒计时。
import subprocess import time # Path to VLC and your video file vlc_path = r"D:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" # Update if needed video_path = r"C:\technical learning\Python\Health_song_Fxx.mp4" #the minutes and seconds to pass to have a break periodically,default is 60 minutes time_set = (59,60) # Global variable to track time left time_left = list(time_set) keep_run = True def start_play_video(): subprocess.run([vlc_path, video_path]) while keep_run: update_tray_menu(myicon) #you can see the update of time_left instantly if time_left[0]==-1: #it's the time for a break video_play_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_play_video) video_play_thread.start() time_left = list(time_set) # Reset time left time.sleep(1) if time_left[1]==0: time_left[1]=60 time_left[0]-=1 time_left[1] -= 1
主线程是一个while loop,每隔1s更新time_left,当time out,启动一个线程来通过subprocess来调用VLC播放器来播放视频,之所以用subprocess是这样一般可以带来前台窗体播放的效果,更好的提醒作用。当Icon点击了stop后,keep_run为False,循环退出,程序结束。
要实现Windows计算机从休眠中醒来重新计数,需要安装第三方库pywin32,别被名字糊弄,因为历史原因,它后续的版本也包括了64 bit windows.
import win32api import win32gui import win32con #the class used to handle event of computer waking up from hibernation class PowerEventHandler: def __init__(self): self.internal_variable = 0 def handle_event(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): global time_left if msg == win32con.WM_POWERBROADCAST and wparam == win32con.PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC: #print("Laptop woke up from hibernation!") time_left = [59,60] list(time_set) return True '''creates a custom Windows Message Handling Window''' handler = PowerEventHandler() wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS() wc.lpszClassName = 'PowerHandler' wc.hInstance = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None) wc.lpfnWndProc = handler.handle_event class_atom = win32gui.RegisterClass(wc) #create a window of the registered class with no size and invisible hwnd = win32gui.CreateWindow(class_atom, 'PowerHandler', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wc.hInstance, None)
创建一个不可见窗体来接受Windows系统的消息,当接收到从休眠中醒来的消息时,重置剩下的时间为预设值。同时你需要在while loop里不断地处理pending的Windows系统消息。
这里就要用到tkinter lib,这个默认在Pythond的安装包里,无需另外安装。
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import simpledialog #a pop up dialog to set the time_set def set_timer(icon, item): #after the user clicking the set button def validate_and_set_time(): nonlocal root, error_label try: minutes = int(minute_input.get()) seconds = int(second_input.get()) #print(minutes,seconds) # Validate range [0, 60] if 0 <= minutes <= 60 and 0 <= seconds <= 60: with time_left_lock: global time_set,time_left time_set=(minutes,seconds) time_left=list(time_set) #each time_set is set, time_let needs to update accordingly #print(time_left) root.destroy() # Close dialog if input is valid else: error_label.config(text="Minutes and seconds must be between 0 and 60!") except ValueError: error_label.config(text="Please enter valid integers!") #create the dialog root = tk.Tk() root.title("Set Timer") root.geometry("300x200") # Get screen width and height screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight() # Calculate position x and y to center the window window_width = 300 window_height = 200 position_x = (screen_width // 2) - (window_width // 2) position_y = (screen_height // 2) - (window_height // 2) # Set the geometry to center the window root.geometry(f"{window_width}x{window_height}+{position_x}+{position_y}") tk.Label(root, text="Set Timer").pack(pady=5) tk.Label(root, text="Minutes (0-60):").pack() minute_input = tk.Entry(root) minute_input.pack() tk.Label(root, text="Seconds (0-60):").pack() second_input = tk.Entry(root) second_input.pack() error_label = tk.Label(root, text="", fg="red") # Label for error messages error_label.pack(pady=5) #set the button call-back method to validate_and_set_time tk.Button(root, text="Set", command=validate_and_set_time).pack(pady=10) root.mainloop()
MenuItem('Set Timer', set_timer), # Add the new menu option here
最后一步,为了让用户设置的时间段间隔永久生效,需要用一个文件来存储。 启动这个程序的时候,从这个文件读数据,退出程序的时候,把数据存入到该文件。
下面是点击Set Timer后的弹框。
本文来源于#正义之兔,由@蜜芽 整理发布。如若内容造成侵权/违法违规/事实不符,请联系本站客服处理!